Monday, March 1, 2021

Mandir Curtain

Most Indian households have a “mandir” - a small temple. Size/style varies. I was setting up mine and didn’t have a curtain I could use. In our previous house, I'd used an ivory lace valance that I’d bought at Target, cut in half because the temple was only that wide. That valance was showing its age, the mandir decor was due for an upgrade :) 

My first crochet thread project! 

Once done, I wanted to run it through one laundry cycle and then block it, so I put it in one of those "delicate garments" bag and put it in the washer. But. When it was time to put the lot in the dryer, I took out the garment bag and - my white curtains had turned blue. 😢😢turns out that one blue shirt had snuck into this lot, and the only things that got affected were whites. After some sadness and 5 bleach soaks, the old white emerged again. 

It is still a bit stiff, I suspect I'll need to wash it a couple of times before the fabric gets its drape.

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