Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Still here! And trying to get back!

Well, Hello There!! I've been away from my blog for so long... I realize that it is time to brush off the dust bunnies and get the wheels on this thing turning once again. Albeit slower this time :)

During the time I was awol did get a bunch of sewing done, just lacked the inclination to document things as I went. I'll try to pick it up, and in the following days will try to put up pictures of things that I made! To get things started, here is a growth-chart I made for my little one -

As she grows, I jot down her numbers (age, weight, height) on these key chain tags and tack them on. Though I wonder at what time it will be "not-okay" for me to publicly document her weight ;)

At the top I added a snap and used a bangle to hang it.

The fabric is printed cotton from IKEA, backed with white muslin cotton.  I used regular polyester felt to cut out numbers that I roughly drafted, and sewed them on using contrasting thread.

And the inch/foot markings I made using the "reinforced stitch" on my machine (it basically goes up-down-up for each stitch, so that each stitch is 3 times over!)

We tried hanging it up, but you know what happens when a toddler spies something colorful on the wall that she can reach?

So for now, this growth chart is neatly folded up and put away in a pouch!

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